Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Entry 5: Ze Bathers

"This swimsuit was inspired by Annette Kellerman who had a dream and caught it. The lacing represents a dream catcher and the glamorous beads reflect her stage and screen performances. The design is practical, as was Annette Kellerman, but is fused with stunning detail that demands attention. The swimsuit has been designed to flatter the female figure, with side cut outs emphasising the waist.

Classic, stylish, fashion forward, sexy and flattering - the right combination for a Little Black Swimsuit"

Hannah Buchanan

1 comment:

  1. Wow...your whole process was so quick! Wicked outcome...the side detailing is really effective.

    I actually totally just stumbled across your blog trying to search for my classmate's blogs (at QUT, we are literally doing the exact same assignment! Ha)...but congratulations on the final garment. I'd wear it.

    All the best for your endevours, and if you feel like a sticky beak, I'm documenting my process on wordpress
